The most advanced technology in dentistry

„Whenever she smiles, it looks like the sun has just come out.”

Emily Giffin, First Comes Love

In Nawrocki Clinic sun shines everyday. It is so thanks to our Patients, whose smiles shine brightly, like a halo, and illuminate our dental offices.

Laser do leczenia i usuwania zębów w klinice Nawrocki Clinic.

Lasers in dentistry

Lasers are the example of the most advanced technology supporting the daily work of dentists. Doctors at our Clinic have at their disposal the most advanced laser to perform procedures both on soft and hard tissue, as well as a diode laser. Lasers improve the quality of work in dental practice thanks to the application of two optimal wavelengths Er:YAG and Nd:YAG.

Obviously, different dental procedures require different laser wavelengths to be applied. Laser wavelength plays an important role here because specific types of tissue of human body respond differently depending on the source of radiation. Thanks to the possibility of two complementary (as regards their impact on the tissue) laser wavelengths, it is practically a universal laser. Virtually all laser-assisted dental procedures may be performed with the use of Er:YAG laser, which is characterized by the highest absorption on water or with the use of Nd:YAG laser with the deepest tissue penetration.

The advantages of using the laser:

  • two optimal wavelengths Er:YAG and Nd:YAG in dental lasers
  • excellent results of procedure
  • the highest level of safety
  • painless procedures
  • no need of anaesthesia
  • faster healing and better post-operative comfort

Lasers in dentistry have a broad scope of applications

The problem connected with the occurrence of hypersensitivity always causes significant discomfort, not easy to deal with. Laser assisted treatment is the only non-invasive method which just after the first application results in the complete disappearance of the problem. Laser treatment method is very fast and brings the long-awaited relief.

  • fast and virtually non-invasive treatment
  • very good effects of procedure
  • safety and precision
  • lack of post-operative hypersensitivity (or very low hypersensitivity)
  • high effectiveness

The patented tooth whitening system is based on Er:YAG 2940 nm. laser wavelength. It is the most effective and the least invasive laser-assisted tooth whitening method available. Due to high absorption of whitening gels the radiation beam of Er:YAG laser is fully absorbed into gel and does not penetrate into soft tissue or pulp. Full laser energy is thus effectively used to heat up gel. There is no risk of accidentally damaging of tooth tissue because laser fluence in case of each impulse is set at a lower level than the tooth tissue ablation threshold.

Laser is an ideal tool, which wonderfully suits the needs of the youngest patients. Now the dentist will no longer be associated with pain and unpleasant sound of drilling. Laser treatment means painless procedure, more gentle and not requiring applying anaesthesia to a young patient. That is exactly why the laser is the only device that can make your child no longer afraid of going to a dentist and feel stress-free during procedures.

Periodontic treatment is a minimally invasive form of treating periodontal diseases, using two optimal lengths of laser applied in dentistry. Applying this technology makes it possible to optimize treatment of periodontal diseases. This procedure creates the most favourable conditions for healing of periodontal lesions by removing damaged cells lining the periodontal pocket, removing tartar from the root surface and sealing of pocket with a stable fibrin clot. Treating lesions with this method allows us to deal with both moderate and severe periodontal diseases without the need to use scalpel or stitches.

Endodontic treatment is a revolutionary method which uses the energy of Er:YAG laser in order to create photoacustic shock waves. The impact of a shock wave in the solution cleansing the root canal cleans the side branches of the canal and removes smear layer from dentine tubules. During the second stage a deeply penetrating wave of Nd:YAG laser radiation is used, ensuring the effective disinfection of the root canal walls up to 1000 μm depth. During this stage the high peak value of Nd:YAG laser capacity plays an important role, thanks to which the temperature necessary for the elimination of bacteria is achieved.

Treating caries with laser does not require application of anaesthesia. It makes the procedure entirely painless and even patients with very low threshold of pain are fully satisfied with the course and effects of treatment. The quality of procedure after processing caries tissue with a laser is incomparably better in relation to traditional methods of treatment currently available on the market. During dental laser-assisted procedure there is no such thing as so called secondary caries, i.e: reappearance of bacteria in the area treated before.

Lasers have a wide range of use also during surgical procedures performed both on soft and hard tissue. These procedures are carried out with extreme precision, usually take less time and there are no post-operative discomfort which may occur in case of using traditional methods. Laser is used, among other things, to perform frenectomy, crown lengthening, implant uncovering, uncovering detained teeth, root resection, bone distraction, post-operative tissue bio-modulation, thanks to which the healing process can be faster, often without oedema and pain.

It is a quick and non-invasive method which contributes to increasing patient’s quality of sleep.. The procedure, thanks to application of Er:YAG laser radiation of gentle, shallow impact decreases the occurrence of sleep apnea and the amplitude of snoring. Anaesthesia during this procedure is not required. During the procedures laser light heats up the tissue, causing contraction of collagen and, in turn, stiffening of the tissue. This, consequently decreases vibrations of soft tissue of the palate and uvula and diminishes the frequency of sleep apnea. Full course of treatment consists of three separate procedures performed within 6 weeks. Single procedure consists of preliminary stage and final stage. The results of the procedure were evaluated on the basis of patient survey and the research conducted with the use of polysomnography ( Golnik University Clinic, Slovenia). In all patients who underwent this treatment improvement was reported already after the first procedure. Results of treatment lasts for up to one year. In case of snoring recurrence it is advised to undergo another session of procedures.

Laser expands the range of our services and meets customers’ expectations. It allows us to achieve the best clinical results, it is fast and gentle. The technology adjusts laser parameters to a given procedure, ensuring the easy use you deserve. Square pulse may treat various ailments with incomparably higher efficiency, without overheating adjacent tissue, in this way providing patient’s comfort. Additionally, the built-in technology of impulse feedback (EFC) guarantees that the output energy of laser is always in accordance with parameters which you set, offering the highest level of safety and reliability of the system.

Lasers use 2940nm wave for minimal ablation in quick procedures which remove micro-elements of damaged tissue, producing a deep thermal effect. Classic non-ablative fractionating procedures leave in skin thousands of micro-elements containing hot, dead remains of treated tissue. The excess of heat of this tissue is trapped in skin causing unnecessary pain and discomfort. Fractionating head instantly removes the remains of heated tissue from skin, diminishing pain and quickening the recovery process. Clean micro-canals have the same zone of thermal reaction as micro-canals after non-ablative fractionating procedure but they do not cause irritation, oedema or pain. After the procedure, with the help of fractionating head, micro-canals close up and heal much faster than in case of classic non-ablative fractionating techniques.