„The one who smiles instead of shouting is stronger.”

Beata Teresa Hanika, Milczenie

We believe that a smile has a tremendous power. We experience it each day, when we look at our Patients, whose smile makeovers are the first step to their inner transformation.

Chirurgia stomatologiczna, szczękowa - Gdańsk.

Dental surgery

Dental surgery is a field of medicine which deals with operative treatment of oral cavity and adjacent areas.
The aim of dental surgery is elimination of the infection source, support and supplementation of conservative or endodontic treatment, reconstruction and regeneration of tissue.

We care about our patients’ comfort, shortening the healing process, preserving healthy tissue and subsequent reconstruction. That is why we perform the procedures in a gentle and painless way. We use lasers in dental surgery in order to make the healing process faster and more comfortable for the Patient. Moreover, laser use means much lower risk of complications or post-operative ailments.

We perform:

  • extraction of detained teeth and wisdom teeth, fractured teeth, remains of teeth,
  • resections and hemisections of roots,
  • procedures of sinus lift with closed method and open method,
  • bone defect reconstruction with bio-materials
  • bone and soft tissue transplants.

We have a dedicated room for procedures performed under general anaesthesia and offer the anesthesiologist’s supervision. The operating room is equipped with professional appliances monitoring the Patient’s vital functions and constant medical supervision. General anaesthesia may be used during complex and extensive dental procedures. This is a good solution for those who suffer from dental phobia – in other words – a severe anxiety connected with visiting a dentist’s office.