Dental procedures
for children

„A smile is a golden child of love (…)”

Kornel Makuszyński, Sinless Years

stomatologia dziecieca

Paediatric dentistry

Paediatric dentistry is a branch combining the elements of prevention, conservative dentistry and other fields, dealing both with milk teeth and permanent teeth.
Treatment of children requires special personal skills, patience and sense of humour. We are aware of the fact that the first encounter of a child with the dentist may affect his/her subsequent experience. That is why the youngest patients receive exceptional treatment in our Clinic. Before the start of the treatment they are informed in a communicative, accessible way about the course of treatment, they can ask questions and take a look around the dental office. Our junior patients and their parents appreciate painless procedures and the fact that their child feels safe and comfortable in our Clinic.

Gentle anaesthesia

The right approach and painless procedures are fundamental features in treating children’s teeth. Those factors are frequently decisive in the young Patient’s willingness to cooperate and, in turn, in the successful final result of treatment.

A child who has never experienced pain during dental appointments is rarely afraid of the dentist. As long as the dental appointments are connected with only preventive check-ups and non-invasive procedures, e.g.: fluoridation or varnishing – the children will not be scared of the dental appointment, on the contrary, they might enjoy it.
Anaesthesia is a method of pain elimination during the treatment process, although for many doctors, parents and children the anaesthetic agent applied by means of a syringe is a really traumatic experience. Anaesthesia used in our Clinic is a wonderful alternative to the traditional anaesthesia injection.

The device consists of a mini-computer and a small hose, with an ending resembling a pen, in which a tiny, thin needle is hidden.
The doctor gently touches the spot which needs to be anesthetised with the ‘pen’ and the computer controls the pace of anaesthetising liquid application.
The anaesthesia is applied precisely to be kept below the child’s threshold of pain.
Parents can rest assured that their child does not feel any pain during the application process. This is possible because the anaesthetic agent always surrounds the tip of the needle. Seeping drop by drop it applies anasthesia to the gum and the tissue penetrated by the needle. The child does not feel the moment of the needle insertion. The action of liquid application is undetectable as well, The advantage of this computer-assisted process is the fact that the pace and pressure of the liquid, both during the passage of the needle through tissue and in the target spot is adjusted accurately so as to ensure the absorption of the liquid is physiologically natural and does not cause the painful spreading sensation.

Dental procedures under general anaesthesia

We help parents, whose children have a dental phobia! We perform procedures under general anaesthesia, which means that a Patient is put into a state of unconsciousness. If there is no way to persuade your child to cooperate with a dentist, it is a solution you might take advantage of. We guarantee the full safety of the procedure. We have two modern operating rooms dedicated for procedures performed under general anaesthesia. Modern electronic devices monitor Patients’ vital functions and the experienced anesthesiologist supervises the whole process.