Conservative and aesthetic dentistry
„It was a genuine smile, wonderful as a sunrise, and when she started laughing, the morning became a thousand times better.”
Nicholas Sparks, Two by Two
There is nothing like starting the day with a smile! A beautiful smile can boost your energy and put you in a positive mood for the rest of the day. We love it.

Conservative and aesthetic dentistry
The aim of aesthetic dentistry is to restore natural look of teeth with simultaneous consideration of their functional properties.
The aims of conservative dentistry are: to prevent and treat caries and to improve the aesthetics by correction of the teeth shape and colour.
In our Clinic the treatment is performed painlessly, with the use of the best, world-class materials for fillings and restoration. In case of deep caries we use ozonotherapy, which supports the disinfection of dental tissue and healing process.
Correction of tooth discolouration
Usuwamy przebarwienia na zębach innowacyjną, bezinwazyjną metodą. To nowoczesna metoda likwidacji białych plamek na powierzchni zęba oraz leczenie początkowych etapów próchnicy. Infiltracja próchnicy specjalnym preparatem oznacza, że zdrowe tkanki zęba mogą być zachowane.
Correction of tooth discolouration
We remove tooth discolouration using an innovative, non-invasive method. It’s a modern method used to eliminate white spots on the tooth’s surface and to treat the initial stages of caries. Infiltrating caries with a special agent means that the healthy tooth tissue can be protected and preserved.
The main applications of the infiltration technique:
- blocking the superficial stage of caries
- elimination of aesthetic defects of tooth enamel
- elimination of white de-calcification spots remaining after the removal of orthodontic devices
- elimination of enamel defects caused by fluorosis
- stopping caries at the initial stage without the loss of healthy tooth tissue
- the immediate effect of elimination of white spots, visible right after the procedure
- treatment is carried out painlessly – no drilling and no local anaesthesia
- treatment is completed during one appointment only!