Marta Czerwińska - Nawrocki Clinic

Marta Czerwińska

Dentist, a specialist in pediatric dentistry

A graduate of the Dentistry Department at the Medical University of Gdańsk. The beginning of her professional career was connected with academic and didactic work at the Department of Developmental Age Dentistry at GUMed. The outcome of her many years of academic work was obtaining the title of a specialist in pediatric dentistry and a vast experience in treating young patients at every stage of their development.

Her distinguishing feature is a holistic approach to controlling the proper development of a child and coordinating the treatment of disorders based on close cooperation with specialists in the field of physiotherapy and speech therapy.

Since the beginning of her professional work, she has placed emphasis on continuous development in other fields of dentistry, regularly participating in training courses on endodontics, aesthetic dentistry, and currently mainly on functional prosthetics, temporomandibular joint disorders, analogue and digital work flow protocols in an interdisciplinary team and early orthodontics.

One of her greatest achievements is completing the 3-year program of the Vienna School of Gnathology designed by professor Rudolf Slavicek VieSID in 2021, which enables interdisciplinary planning and treatment of patients with advanced occlusal disorders and disorders within the temporomandibular joints with the use of modern advanced devices such as an articulator and condyle position variator.

The knowledge and experience she acquired so far make her competent to treat patients of all ages and with different degrees of dental problems.In her work with patients her most appreciated assets are empathy, gentleness and precision.