Dr n. med. Michał Nawrocki M. Sc

MD, PhD Michał Nawrocki

The owner of Nawrocki Clinic

Dentistry is my passion

What I love about my work is that I can continuously develop, get to know the latest technologies and incorporate them into the treatment process. However, the most important aspect of my job is providing help to my Patients. I see it as a personal mission, which I fulfil with great pleasure. Each case is different, so applying the same patterns to different patients is out of the question. Only an individual approach to each Patient, focusing on their needs and finding a solution dedicated specifically for them is a guarantee of success, which in my understanding means safety, comfort, and in effect, a beautiful smile on the Patient’s face.

Michał Nawrocki

He introduces treatment standards at the highest, global level and implements the state-of-the-art technologies. He specializes in implant prosthetic treatment, laser use in dentistry and in advanced techniques of digital procedure in dental treatment, as well as computer navigation in implantation treatment planning.

  • In 2009 he received a Certificate of Implantology awarded by the prestigious Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany.
  • In 2015 and 2016 he attended The MPI Implant Prosthodontic Program at the Mediterranean Prosthodontic Institute in Spain and at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, USA.
  • In 2018, as the first person from Poland, he completed post-graduate studies at RWTH University of Aachen, with a degree of: Master of Science in Lasers in Dentistry.
  • He also holds a certificate from the University of Michigan confirming the completion of the full cycle of the Educational Program: Advances in Soft Tissue Graft and Implant Surgery.
  • In 2022, he obtained a PhD degree in Medical Sciences.
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In 2018 MD, PhD Michał Nawrocki MSc developed and patented the innovative distancing guided sleeves, which enable the doctor to precisely and effectively treat dental problems and defects even in challenging anatomical cases.

Based on his 20+ years of experience and practice, Michał Nawrocki, MD PhD. along with his team, developed the optimal protocol. It enables us to perform an immediate implant loading in our Patients, which means that 
on the same day, right after the implantation procedure they can get their prosthetic restoration done, and leave our clinic with a smile. Predictability and effectiveness of treatment is extremely important both for the patient’s and the doctor’s comfort.

Nawrocki Implant Pro Protocol is a comprehensive combination of innovative methods and state-of-the-art technology, providing Patients with exceptional comfort and predictability of dental treatment. We use the most advanced tools, including digital implant and prosthetic solutions, computer navigation, surgical guides and laser therapy.

Every Patient’s smile means a lot to us, that is why Nawrocki Implant Pro is a flexible protocol,
adjustable to all Patients’ needs, regardless of the scope of the problem: from a single missing tooth to a full arch restoration.

Regardless of the complexity level of a given case, we are able to provide comprehensive care and close cooperation with our own prosthetic laboratory.

Patent in medicine no 238180 „Distance sleeves in guided surgery in implantology”, 2021

His extensive knowledge and many years of experience has made Michał Nawrocki, MD, PhD a renowned expert, invited to run workshops, training courses and lectures at the biggest and most prestigious events in dental industry in Poland and abroad.

Lectures during congresses and symposia, talks, speeches:

  1. Michał Nawrocki „Full digital workflow in predictable implantology”, Conference Polish Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, Poland, Warszawa, 12.2021 
  2. Michał Nawrocki „Digital dentistry in daily practice”,  Conference Polish Dental Association, Poland, Łódź, 11.2021 
  3. Michał Nawrocki „Immediate Smile Protocols in Digital Dentistry”, Conference, Poland, Rzeszów, 11.2021
  4. Michał Nawrocki „Laser assisted predictable implantology – challenges or standard in dental offices nowadays?”, 11.2021, on line Conference ISLD Prof. Gutknecht Memorial 
  5. Michał Nawrocki „The use of Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers in predictable implantology”, LA&HA Symposium, 2021 
  6. Michał Nawrocki „The use of CDCT in predictable implantology”, Dentsply Sirona Live Academy, 06.2021 
  7. Michał Nawrocki „Soft and hard tissue surgery with the use of Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers”, ISLD webinar, 02.2021 
  8. Michał Nawrocki „Digital Implantology” Detsply Tour Gdańsk, Poland, 10.2020 
  9. Michał Nawrocki „Lasery Nd:YAG i Er:YAG w codziennej praktyce dentystycznej – ekstrawagancja, czy ekstraklasa?”, Online Conference Dentonet, 06.2020 
  10. Michał Nawrocki „Guided surgery – minimal invasive approach in implantology”, Online Webinar, 05.2020 
  11. Michał Nawrocki „Treatment of complications around implants – mucositis and peri-implantitis with the use of Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers”, Online Webinar, 04.2020 
  12. Michał Nawrocki „Soft and hard tissue treatments with the use of Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers. Part II. Photobiomodulation”, Online Webinar, 04.2020  
  13. Michał Nawrocki „Soft and hard tissue treatments with the use of Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers. Part I”, Online Webinar, 04.2020 
  14. Michał Nawrocki „Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers – future or reality in dental practice”, Online Webinar, 04.2020 
  15. Michał Nawrocki „Predictable implantology – standard or challenge in nowadays dentistry?”, Conference, Moscow, Russia, 11.2019 
  16. Michał Nawrocki „From predictable implantation to the treatment of complications – surgical procedures with the use of Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers”, Polish Society of Laser Dentistry Conference, Kraków, Poland, 10.2019 
  17. Michał Nawrocki „Laser treatment of hard tissue”, Global Aesthetics Academy Congress, Sofia, Bulgaria, 10.2019 
  18. Michał Nawrocki „Precise soft tissue and hard tissue surgery, implantology with  Er:YAG and Nd:YAG laser”, Global Aesthetics Academy Congress, Sofia, Bulgaria, 10.2019 
  19. Michał Nawrocki „Advanced treatment of peri-implantitis using LightWalker®”, Global Aesthetics Academy Congress, Sofia, Bulgaria, 10.2019 
  20. Michał Nawrocki „The power of photobiomodulation”, Global Aesthetics Academy Congress, Sofia, Bulgaria, 10.2019 
  21. Michał Nawrocki „Treatment of peri-implantitis – a challenge in nowadays implantology”, Conference, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 06.2019 
  22. Michał Nawrocki „New technologies in dental treatment – addition or addiction, future or reality in dental offices nowadays?”, Victoria and District Dental Society Symposium, Victoria City, Canada, 04.2019 
  23. Michał Nawrocki „Digital Dentistry – Future or Reality?”, PTSS Conference, University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland, 01.2019 
  24. Michał Nawrocki  „”Future is now” – digital reality in implants-prosthodontics  treatments” Congress Kwintesencja, Jachranka, Poland, 11.2018 
  25. Michał Nawrocki „Inspired by the smile – Immediate Smile protocols in digital implantology”, Congress Dentsply Sirona, Warszawa, Poland, 10.2018 
  26. Michał Nawrocki „Connect to the future with the digital clinic-to-laboratory implant workflow” Congress  Ankylos, Berlin, Germany,  06.2018 
  27. Michał Nawrocki „Laser treatment – addiction ar addiction, extravagance or essential standard in dental surgery” Fotona Weekend Portoroz, Slovenia 05.2018 
  28. Michał Nawrocki „Digital workflow in everyday dentistry”,  Ljubljana, Slovenia, 03.2018
  29. Michał Nawrocki „”Plan your success – guided surgery in implantology”, Dentsply Symposium, Szczecin, 02.2018 
  30. Michał Nawrocki „The use of Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers in daily practice in surgery and Aesthetic dentistry”, Congress  Polish Society of Laser Dentistry, Kraków, Poland 11.2017 
  31. Michał Nawrocki „Practical implantology – Plan Your Success”, Dentsply Symposium, Białystok, Poland, 11.2017 
  32. Michał Nawrocki „Full Digital Workflow in immediate implantation with immediate loading”Congress Dentsply Sirona, Warszawa, Poland, 10.2017 
  33. Michał Nawrocki „The use of Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers in daily dental practice”, Online Webinar, 10.2017 
  34. Michał Nawrocki „Plan, produce, place – Full digital workflow in implant treatment using Ankylos”, Congress Ankylos, Vienna, Austria, 05.2017 
  35. Michał Nawrocki „How does the laser change our modern dentistry”, Symposium Lasers in Medicine and Surgery, Kranskaja Gora, Slovenia, 05.2017 
  36. Michał Nawrocki „CAD CAM and DSD – future or reality in prosthodontics and implantology?”, Dentsply Symposium Olsztyn, Poland, 05.2016 
  37. Michał Nawrocki „CAD CAM in daily practice”, Dentsply Symposium, Gdańsk, Poland, 04.2015 
  38. Michał Nawrocki „ The use of ceramic veneers in case of enamel hypoplasia”,
  39. Conference of Prosthodontics Departament od Polish Dental Society, Jastrzębia Góra, Poland, 05.2001 
  40. Michał Nawrocki „Ceramic veneers as an alternative treatment to full contour crowns”, Polish Dental Society Symposium, Medical University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland, 03.2001 
  41. Michał Nawrocki „ The use of ceramic veneers in prosthodonitic treatment”, Conference of Prosthodontics Departament od Polish Dental Society, Kiekrz, Poland, 06.2000 


  1. Michał Nawrocki „Full digital workflow in immediate implant treatment using Ankylos, Simplant and Cerec” poster presentation, Nice, France, 05.2017 

Important publications:

  1. Nawrocki M. The use of new technologies and digital implant solutions in a onestage surgical procedure. Digital. 2021. 1. 28-31 
  2. Nawrocki M. Sinus lift procedure in closed method with the use surgical guides and innovative distance sleeves – case report. e-Dentico, 2018, 72, 4 
  3. Nawrocki M, Pietruska M. The use of lasers in peri-implantitis treatment. e-Dentico, 2018, 72, 4 
  4. Nawrocki M. Immediate Smile protocol in treatment of edentulous patients. eDentico, 2018, 72, 4 
  5. Tejchman H, Bogurski M, Nawrocki M. Leczenie protetyczne pacjentów z uogólnioną abrazją w zależności od stopnia starcia zębów. Prot. stom. 2003, LIII, 1 
  6. Tejchman H, Nawrocki M, Bogurski M. The use of ceramic veneers in patients with enamel hypoplasia. Prot. Stom. 2002, LII, 6, 349-352 
  7. Tejchman H, Bogurski M, Nawrocki M. Possibility of the use galvanoforming technique in dentistry. Prot. Stom. 2002, LII, 5, 291-295 
  8. Nawrocki M. Ceramic veneers in prosthodontics. Part I. Prot. Som. 2001, LI, 1
  9. Nawrocki M. Ceramic veneers in prosthodontics. Part II. Prot. Stom. 2001, LI


  • Polska Akademia Stomatologii Estetycznej
  • Polskie Towarzystwo Stomatologii Laserowej
  • International Society for Laser Dentistry 
  • Implant Masters Poland  – Vice Prezydent od 2022 r.


  1. „The use of Nd:YAG and Er:YAG Fotona LightWalker Laser in daily practice” 1 day course with lecture and workshops and live treatments, Nawrocki Clinic, Gdańsk, Poland, 4-6 times per year 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 01.2022  
  2. „Guided surgery in implantology” 2 course and workshops and live surgery, Nawrocki Clinic, Gdańsk, Poland, 2 times per year, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021  
  3. „Connect to the future with the digital clinic-to-laboratory implant workflow” workshop during Ankylos Congress, Berlin, Germany,  06.2018  
  4. „Practical implantology” 2 days course and workshops and live surgery, Nawrocki Clinic Gdańsk, Poland, 2 times per year, 2016, 2017, 2018  
  5. „The use of CAD CAM Cerec System in dental practice” 1 day course and workshop, Nawrocki Clinic, Gdańsk, Poland, 09.2016  
  6. „Implantology treatment with the use of Ankylos and Astra Implant Systems”, !
  7. day course and workshop, Nawrocki Clinic, Gdańsk, Poland, 03.2015  
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